Foundation Enrolment Procedures Footscray City Primary School has experienced increased interest from prospective families in recent years, resulting in us being under enrolment pressure. We have implemented the Department of Education and Training (DET) enrolment strategy to assist us to manage this process.
The enrolment strategy reflects the Priority Order of Placement clause in the DET’s Policy. It states:
Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled in the following priority order:
Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school.
Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
Where the regional director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school.
All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.
In exceptional circumstances, compassionate grounds.
Please Note: Where demographic demand forecasts indicate the school is reaching capacity, students beyond the school neighbourhood area may not be eligible for enrolment. Enrolments will be conducted in accordance with Department policy guidelines.
Parents with children already attending Footscray City Primary School:
Complete an Enrolment Form and provide this to the school’s office staff with your child’s Immunisation Certificate and copy of their Birth Certificate. If you would like to make an appointment to meet with the Principal please contact the Office on 9687 2826 and the office staff will assist you.
Families new to Footscray City Primary School:
Register for one of our Foundation Information Sessions. If you reside within the designated neighbourhood area we will send you an enrolment pack and offer you a place on a small group tour.
Complete the Enrolment Form and provide this to office staff with your child’s Immunisation Certificate, a copy of their Birth Certificate and two forms of proof of address. These include a rates notice or lease agreement and a utility bill.
Confirming Enrolment Enrolment will be confirmed on receipt of the Enrolment Form for:
Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school (confirmation of current residential address will be requested).
Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
Wait List A place on the wait list will be confirmed on receipt of an Expression of Interest Form for all other students. Once all students in the designated neighbourhood area have been enrolled, remaining places will be offered to students on the wait list as per the priorities listed above. This process will begin during September of the year prior to enrolment. Parents of students on the wait list are advised that this does not guarantee them a place at FCPS and we encourage you to enact your right to enrol your child at your local Government school. Submit an Expression of Interest.
Footscray City Primary School’s Designated Neighbourhood Area To confirm that your home is in the Designated Neighbourhood Area please visit the FindMySchool website. If the implementation in relation to your home address is unclear, please contact our office staff on 9687 2826.